Panclip XLP Wafer Head Extra Low Profile Head Fasteners Description
When the absolutely thinnest head that has a flange to secure materials is needed consider the Panclip XLP screw. These engineered extremely low profile had fasteners are available for a variety of substrates including wood, metal and masonry block. The XLP headed fasteners are popular for installing nailstrip metal roofing panels, standing seam panel clips, windows into wood buck, windows into masonry block, doors into masonry block, steel clips into steel and plywood into steel deck. All Panclip carbon steel XLP fasteners feature a full 1000 hour corrosion resistant coating, and the #12 Panclip MTW and the XLP-CON fasteners have a Miami-Dade fastener listing certification.
#10-13 Panclip XLP Econo Blue over E Galv or Stainless Steel Wafer Head Extra Pow Profile Head Fastener for Wood / Plywood / OSB
XLP CON Extra Low Profile Head Screw for Masonry or Concrete Block Fastener, popular for door and window installation Miami-Dade Listing # L 19-0219.04 window screw
#12 – 8 Panclip XLP MTW Nailstrip Fastener, Extra Low Profile Pancake Wafer Head screw, Miami- Dade L 21-0630.04
#12-8 Panclip SS XLP SS 304 Stainless Steel MTW Nailstrip Fastener