Florida Building Code FBC and Texas Dept of Ins TDI Approved Skylight Panels & Translucent Panels Description
Commercial grade light transmitting translucent panels designed for the metal building and post frame construction market. Our R Panel MR12 1mm and MEGA 1.5mm polycarbonate panels have Florida Building Code approval as a translucent ceiling , sidewall or roofing panel. The DMI skylight panels now have TDI Texas Department of Insurance approval and are Made in the U.S.A.

FBC & TDI Code Approved Metal Building Skylight Panel Pamphlet

TDI R Panel MR12 / Sunsky12 Translucent Panel Installation Guide – Texas Department of Insurance Skylight R Panel Install

FBC MR12 R/PBR Translucent Panel Installation Guide (Florida Code Version)

DMI Mega 1.5mm Translucent Polycarbonate Skylight Panels

Commercial Grade 1.0mm Thick Translucent Polycarbonate Skylight Panels
Installation Guide for MR12 Panel for Florida Building Code Approval Clip here >> MEGA R FBC installation in steel building with insulation 2016 diagram
To learn about Polycarbonate Panels , their care instruction and chemical compatibility; click the link below;
To view the list of compatible and incompatible sealants for Polycarbonate Panels; click the link below;