WoodZAC Zinc Alloy Cap Premium Metal Roofing Fasteners WoodZAC & Direct*Seal ZXL Description
DMI offers 6 quality levels of metal roofing fasteners from entry level steel coated fasteners, WoodZac and ZAC fasteners up to full stainless and bi-metal 40 year warranty fasteners. DMI considers premium metal roofing fasteners to include the WoodZAC, WoodZIP SCAMP, WoodMac, Direct*Seal ZXL and other fasteners designed (when properly installed) to last for the lifetime of your metal roofing system.

#10 Direct*Seal ZXL w/M-Bit Longlife Florida Screw

#10 Direct*Seal ZXL w/M-Bit Woodbinder

#9 WoodZAC The original WoodZac longlife fastener (Discontinued Jan, 2018, replaced by #10 WoodZAC )

#10 WoodZAC The original Woodzac

#12 – 8 WoodZac XG High Pull-out Zac Fasteners

#14 WoodZAC Tapper ZAC Replacement Repair Screw

#17 WoodZAC ZAC Tapper ZAC Replacement Fastener